Fox Guitars - Where vintage is new again!
Fox Guitars specializes in manufacturing period-correct replacement pickguards for Gibson and Epiphone guitars as well as several other brands. We also carry pickguard mounting hardware, truss rod covers and blank sheets of pickguard-making materials. Our custom pickguard shop can fabricate any pickguard design you may want. We offer exceptional quality at reasonable prices and fast turn around.
Vintage Replacement Pickguards
Paul Fox, founder of Fox Guitars, is a luthier, musician as well as a musical instrument historian and author. His book "The Other Brands of Gibson" was published in 2011 (you can purchase an autographed copy here). It is considered the most comprehensive source of information about all the instruments Gibson manufactured that didn't carry the Gibson name. "The Complete Guide to Gibson Mandolins, Mandolas, Mando-Cellos and Mando-Basses" was published in 2017 based on years of research on the subject. He also authored an article on the “House of Stathopoulo Harp Guitar” that was published in the May, 2010 issue of Vintage Guitar Magazine. Previously he's written several electric bass books including “How To Play The Bass Guitar” which was first published in 1978.

by Paul Fox
From 1925 through 1961 Gibson, Inc. of Kalamazoo, Michigan produced over 50 brands of musical instruments that did not carry the Gibson name. Many of these brands may be familiar with such names as Kalamazoo, Recording King, National and Washburn, while many others are names that only a handful of avid Gibsonites will know like Werlein Leader, Grinnell, Truett, and many more.
This book is a complete guide to all of the other brands Gibson produced complete with detailed descriptions, photos and rare examples of existing instruments from collectors around the world. If you’re hoping to find that diamond in the rough at the local garage sale, this guide will familiarize you with even the most obscure brands Gibson made.
While there is much that is not known about many of the Gibson-made brands, this book takes an in-depth look at all of the known brands Gibson made from 1929 to 1961 including Ambassador, Capital, Cromwell, Fascinator, FDH, Grinnell, Hayden, Kalamazoo, Kel Kroydon, Liberty, Henry Mason, Marshall Special, Martelle, Mastertone Special, Old Kraftsman (Spiegel), Oriole, Paynes for Music, Recording King (Montgomery Ward), Reznick Radio Special, S.S. Stewart, Tex Star, Trujo/Truett, Washburn, and Werlein Leader. Get your copy today straight from the author!